Following are the discounts, grants, and exceptions from the hour fees, which
the new students Except the Faculty of Dentistry can benefit from:
- 70% discount for the students whose average is
(95%) in the Jordanian high school exams.
- 50% discount to whoever learns the Quran by heart.
- 40% discount for the students whose average is
(90% or more) in the Jordanian high school exams.
- 25% discount for the following categories:
- The student who ranks the first in his specialty,
according to semester average.
- For the students whose average is (90% or more),
in the non Jordanian high school exams.
- For the students' siblings as follows:
- The first sibling is given (25%) discounts.
- Any other sibling, besides the first, is given
(35%) discount.
- For fifteen students of athletic excellence, according
to certain standards.
- For students from Islamic countries.
- For five students who obtain non Jordanian high
school certificates and are nominated by Jordanian ambassadors in their countries.
· 15% discount for the
students whose average is (80% or more), and less than (90%), in the high school
· 10% discount for the
following categories:
o Students who get their
high school certificate from Amman and Mafrag
o Students whose average
is (80% or more), in non Jordanian high school exams