
The Admission & Registration Unit

This unit was established in 1994, and is considered the bank of information that feeds the various university departments with the necessary information; to serve the academic and educational process at the university

Scientific Research

The term "research" is associated with the term "development". They always come together since actual advancement and success in the various administrative, financial, industrial, scientific and social aspects can only be realized through quantitative and qualitative research

Students Affairs

The value of DSA springs from being the heart of university life, in which the student who is the centre for whom programs are prepared and goals are set. Therefore, it has been necessary to be viewed with appreciation and respect.

Evening Studies

Based on ZU's straightforward goals of opening education chances for those who wish, and to empower those whose financial and employment conditions have not let them start their first university certificate, ZU launched the Evening Studies program at the outset of the academic year 2000 / 2001