I. International Credit Mobility
The Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) program is a mobility scholarship program funded by the European Commission that enables academic staff to teach at partner European universities. Each scholarship covers a daily allowance and a contribution to the travel cost. If not covered by other means, the academic staff is, in general, responsible for insuring themselves during their stay at the host universities according to their terms.
- Karerlea University , - Finland - Staff / Nursing
- Metropolia University - Finland - Staff / Environmental Engineering
- Middle East Technical University – Closed
Middle Eastern Technical University
Mugla Sitki kocman
Ataturk University
Kutahya Dumlupinar University
Metropolia University
Karelia University
Angel Kanchev University of Ruse
University of Pitesti
Business School PAR
Sapienza University of Rome
International Helenic UNiversity
Pedagogical University of Cracow
II. Capacity Building
ZU participated in Tempus and Erasmus+ projects. These are the projects is partner in the following capacity Projects
a-Tempus Erasmus + Project
Promoting Intellectual Property Law Studies in the Mediterranean Region IP-MED (2014-2017).
IP-MED "Promoting Intellectual Property Law Studies in the Mediterranean Region" is conceived as an integrated action to join the efforts of policy-makers and universities in the ENPI South region to tackle the abovementioned challenges. The introduction of a Master Programme in IP Law and practice in line with the Bologna requirements will help improve the competitiveness of professionals in the region and at the global level, contributing to better employment opportunities and international cooperation perspectives. In addition, and complementary to the IP Law studies, two main outcomes are envisaged: an IP Law Web Portal, which will be set up at the ENPI South partner universities to serve as a point of reference in the matter for their students and teachers but also for other universities in the region; and a Regional Network of IP Law Practitioners, which will be launched at the end of the project, as a professional platform and mechanism towards the sustainability of the project results.
b. Erasmus + Projects
1- The Mediterranean public HEALTH alliance (MED-HEALTH) (2015-2018)
561748-EPP-1-2015-1-PS-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP The overall objective of MED-HEALTH is building up South Mediterranean HEIs' competences in the field of Public Health to improve public health performance, employment & development perspectives in the region. More specifically,MED-HEALTH aims at:
• Introducing a Master Degree Programme in Public Health Management in line with Bologna requirements and with a holistic and regional approach in South Mediterranean universities to prepare highly skilled and competent public health workforce;
• Establishing an e Portal on Public Health Management in the Mediterranean partner HEIs as a regional Point of reference in the matter for universities,researchers and professionals.
• Creating a Regional Health Management Network to ensure regional debate,harmonisation of practices and sustainability of the project outputs for the ultimate benefit of the citizens of the South Mediterranean region.
2- Refugees Education Support in mena CoUntriEs RESCUE (2016-2019)
The partner countries involved in this proposal, namely Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq (but also some of the Programme Countries involved, such as Turkey and Germany) are experiencing a very critical situation due to the high number of refugees present on their territory: most of these are Syrian citizens, and include a high percentage of former University students who had to interrupt their academic curriculum.
The main specific objective of RESCUE is to help the Partner Country Universities in structuring an effective response to this problem, by creating ad hoc units (the Refugee Student Operational Support Unit – R-SOS), whose mission is to structure specific services supporting the refugee students in resuming their academic training path. The analysis carried out by the target Universities has shown that each one of them has different approaches and constraints vis-à-visthis problem, therefore ad hoc solutions must be implemented in each one of them.
Once the R-SOS units will be operational, the services they will deliver will help the refugee students in resuming their academic training path, in some cases by accessing the standard curricula on the same basis as all the other students, in some other cases by following ad hoc training courses providing them with basic skills and competencies useful for employment purposes.
Therefore it is expected that the setting up of the R-SOS units will help in improving the situation of the refugee student either by supporting them in getting a job in the hosting countries either in preparing them for returning to their origin country once the crisis is over.