The Faculty of Science at Zarqa
University examined a number of master's theses in mathematics.
Student Nabil Ahmed Ali Omera defended
his master's thesis entitled "Integral galam transformation and its
applications in solving integral equations" under the supervision of Prof.
Dr. Gharib Musa Gharib.
Student Suhaib Shawqi Basem
Al-Khalidi defended his master's thesis entitled "On some inductive
topological structures using ideals" under the supervision of Dr. Radwan
Ahmed Abu Qudayri.
Student Ibtihal Gharib Abdullah
Jalabneh defended her master's thesis entitled "Double galam
transformation and its applications" under the supervision of Prof. Dr.
Gharib Musa Gharib.
Student Raghad Muhammad Hussein
Al-Tahaineh defended her master's thesis entitled "Generating a new
probability distribution using the T-X family" under the supervision of
Dr. Muhammad Abdul-Moneim Al-Amleh.
Student Fayd Al-Nour Hamid Jassim
Al-Fawa'ra defended her master's thesis entitled "New power series method
for solving integral equations" under the supervision of Dr. Rania Zuhair
Student Salam Amer Tayseer Ahmed defended
her master's thesis entitled "Point contraction couplings and fixed point
theories in Banach spaces" under the supervision of Dr. Jamila Muhammad
Jawdat Rizk Allah.
Student Alaa Abdullah Salem Al-Zboon
defended his master's thesis entitled "Sawi's complex integral
transformation and some applications" under the supervision of Dr. Rania
Zuhair Saada.
Student Abdul Rahman Ali Juma
Al-Maghribi defended his master's thesis entitled "Fixed point theories
for some contraction couplings in standard spaces" under the supervision
of Dr. Jamila Muhammad Jawdat Rizk Allah.