Prof. Dr. Nidal Al-Ramahi, President of Zarqa University,
inaugurated the new faculty members' orientation program on Monday, September
30th, 2024, which is organized by the Faculty of Educational
Sciences in cooperation with the Development and Quality Assurance Unit at the
The number of new faculty members who joined the university for the
academic year 2024-2025 reached ninety-seven faculty members in various
specializations of the university.
Al-Ramahi said that the first thing we aspire to from this good
constellation is to provide every possible effort to enhance the scientific and
academic process and maintain and advance the high status of the university,
and to strive diligently to unleash creative energies, in addition to affirming
the role of the faculty member in the university and the local community.
He stressed Zarqa University's interest in attracting distinguished
faculty members who are capable of carrying the message of science and working
with professionalism and expertise, noting that Zarqa University, since its
establishment, has been one of the distinguished universities academically,
research-wise, and socially, and this requires all university members to work
together to continue and develop this approach.
Prof. Dr. Reda Al-Mawadhiya, Dean of the Faculty of Educational
Sciences, stressed the importance of the program in forming a reference
framework that defines the philosophy of university education and the
university's message, defining the faculty member's rights and duties, building
the achievement test and good management and correction, and employing and
investing in various learning resources and their role in scientific research.
The program, which extends over four days, will discuss matters
related to academic accreditation at the university, its systems and
instructions, the mechanism for supporting scientific research, strategic
planning and how to deal with university students, electronic exams, building
achievement tests and a search strategy in databases, statistical applications
for scientific research purposes, in addition to planning for teaching.