Field of the Conference
Firstly: Financial and Islamic Banks Field:
- Requirements and foundations of the transition to Islamic banking.
- The role of financial engineering in the Islamic modes of financing risk management.
- Strategies proposed to review the financial and banking transformations.
- Electronic banking and its role in the financial and banking transformations.
- Financial globalization and its impact on banking and financial transformations.
- Faltering banking facilities in light of the financial and banking transformations
(challenges and opportunities).
Secondly: Economic Field:
- Assessing the impact of foreign direct investment on development performance.
- Inter-Arab investments: the reality and their impact on the sectoral structure of
- The phenomenon of money laundering and ways to combat it.
- Investment agreements between the countries and thier developmental effects.
- Mergers and acquisitions as a tool for vertical expansion and acquiring the advantage
of economies of scale.
Thirdly: Administrative and Management Information Systems Field:
- Development management under the financial transformations and the contemporary
- E-management applications in financial institutions.
- Governmental administration and promotion of investments.
- Comprehensive quality systems in financial institutions.
- Management information systems applications in the light of the financial transformations.
- E-commerce in the business environment.
Fourthly: Accounting and Accounting Information Systems:
- The International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS).
- Accounting Measurement of the banking transactions under the automation of banking
- E-financial disclosure statements.
- Recent trends in the audit in the light of the financial and banking transformations.
- Accounting Standards for Islamic banks.
- Accounting information system variables in the light of the financial and banking
Fifthly: The Marketing Field:
- The reality of e-banking services marketing.
- Risks associated with e-banking services and their repercussions.
- Marketing strategies to face the financial and banking transformations..
- The impact of the financial and banking transformations on consumer behavior.
- Quality of banking services in the light of the financial transformations and their
impact on marketing performance.