Vision, Mission & Objectives
Distinction and leadership that lead to internationalism.
Developing graduate programs that cope up with the latest international trends,
in scientific research to meet the community needs, and opening new programs that
cope up with the changing social and international demands.
1- Coping up with scientific and technological development and updating graduate
studies plans accordingly.
2- Implemnting research ethics in writing research papers and dissertations.
3-Equipping students with the essential scientific research methodologies in writing
their dissertations.
4- Constructing successful partnership with academic and research institutions in
relevant graduate studies to prevent duplicate theses and improve research quality.
5- Enhancing the academic and professional experiences of the graduate students
that help them cope up with scientific development.
6- Constructing effective partnership with the social institutions in the various
knowledge fields.
7- Development and updating graduate studies plans in accordance with the sustained
development plans.