Unit Objectives

  • Obtaining ISO certificate (9001,2008) in 2010.
  • Inaugurating the following specialties:

-          Pharmacy in the faculty of Pharmacy.

-          Electrical Engineering in the faculty of Engineering Technology.

-          Journalism and media communication specialty.

-          Department of Islamic Banks in the faculty of Economics and Administrative sciences.

-          Department of Internet Technology in the faculty of Sciences and Information Technology.

  • Increasing the capacity of the following specialties:

-          Department of Accounting in the faculty of Economics and Administrative sciences.

-          Department of Financial and Banking Sciences in the faculty of Economics and Administrative sciences.

-          Civil Engineering in the faculty of Engineering Technology.

-          Architectural Engineering in the faculty of Engineering Technology.

-          Department of Internet Technology in the faculty of sciences and Information Technology.

-          Department of Software Engineering in the faculty of Sciences and Information Technology.

  • Inaugurating the following MA programs:

-          MA program in English Language and Literature.

-          MA program in Arabic Language and Literature.

-          MA program in Computer Science.