Vision And Mission


Spreading, developing and enrooting the philosophy of quality and excellence at university with all its faculties, institutes, units, departments and centres to assure its superiority in the fields of higher education, research and community service.


Providing an appropriate atmosphere to enroot the philosophy of quality and excellence through setting up certain standards to assure the quality of higher education, research and community service, as well as applying the concepts of comprehensive quality administration.

Unit Objectives

  • Obtaining ISO certificate (9001,2008) in 2010.
  • Inaugurating the following specialties:

-          Pharmacy in the faculty of Pharmacy.

-          Electrical Engineering in the faculty of Engineering Technology.

-          Journalism and media communication specialty.

-          Department of Islamic Banks in the faculty of Economics and Administrative sciences.

-          Department of Internet Technology in the faculty of Sciences and Information Technology.

  • Increasing the capacity of the following specialties:

-          Department of Accounting in the faculty of Economics and Administrative sciences.

-          Department of Financial and Banking Sciences in the faculty of Economics and Administrative sciences.

-          Civil Engineering in the faculty of Engineering Technology.

-          Architectural Engineering in the faculty of Engineering Technology.

-          Department of Internet Technology in the faculty of sciences and Information Technology.

-          Department of Software Engineering in the faculty of Sciences and Information Technology.

  • Inaugurating the following MA programs:

-          MA program in English Language and Literature.

-          MA program in Arabic Language and Literature.

-          MA program in Computer Science.