Unit Director Speech

Development and Quality Assurance Unit aims at improving faculties’ performance, applying different quality systems, spreading the philosophy of quality and achieving strategic goals.

Development and Quality Assurance Unit consists of three parts:

-         Academic accreditation: includes inaugurating new specialties, submitting requests to accredit them, following the process of accreditation, increasing the capacity of specialties as well as university, assuring the application of all conditions fixed by the Higher Education Accreditation Commission in Jordan through coordinating with faculties and department.

-          Development: concerned with developing academic and administrative staff members at university and bringing best methods which would help them do their job perfectly.

Quality Assurance: A quality assurance system has been established after university’s participation in the evaluation project of computer programs in Jordanian universities in 2001. This project was initiated by Al-Hussein Fund for Creativity and Excellence and supervised by the British Quality Assurance Agency (BQAA). The participation in this project was to assure university’s commitment toward education’s efficiency, and to achieve the intended outcomes. Development and Quality Assurance Unit was established through setting up a special committee to set bases, standards and actions.