Enrollment Procedures

We hope that once reading this booklet, you will wish to make a reservation at the Arabic Language Center

If you would like to enroll please follow the producers below: 

1- Completer the attached form& send it by email to: ctcscenter@ zu.edu.jo                               

2- A student who have a previous knowledge of Arabic Language is required to sit for classification test.

3- A new student must take a medical examination to prove that he/she is free of any contagious disease.

4-  A- student who which to join the Center must send a photocopy of his passport in order to issue a visa for him/her. Which once issued it will be faxed to you at an earliest time.

B- the student's passport should be one year valid at least.

Yet some nationalities may get their visas on their arrival at Queen Alia International Airport, or from the Jordanian Embassies in their countries.