About Conf.

The Department of English Language and Literature at Zarqa University in Jordan and the Association of Professors of English and Translation at Arab Universities (APETAU) cordially invite you to their international joint conference on linguistics, literature and translation to be held 14-15 November 2018 at Zarqa University (www.zu.edu.jo)

The theme of the 2018 conference is Cultural Dialogue in Linguistics, Literature and Translation. It is hoped that this conference will provide a platform for productive academic cooperation and exchange of ideas. Selected refereed papers of the conference will be published in a special volume of either the Scopus-indexed International Journal of Arabic-English Studies (IJAES), the journal of The Association of Professors of English & Translation at Arab Universities (APETAU) or Zarqa Journal for Research and Studies in Humanities which is indexed in EBESCO and Ulrich. This conference is mainly meant to foster ties and links between professors of English and translation at Arab universities on the one hand and their colleagues in the world at large by providing a forum for them to explore the most recent trends and developments in the fields of their specialism. Keynote speakers from the Arab countries and beyond will be announced once final arrangements are made. This will be the seventh international conference for APETAU and the fourth for the Department of English Language and Literature at Zarqa University.