The Faculty of Science is one of the oldest faculties in the university, it was established in 1994, to be a distinguished scientific edifice that contributes effectively to achieving the vision and mission of the university. It now includes the Departments of Mathematics and Physics, in addition to the University Requirements Unit, which is an important tributary to the Faculty of Science and other faculties due to the basic scientific courses it provides.
The faculty has two postgraduate programs, as there is a master's program in the Department of Mathematics and a master's program in the Department of physics . Within its future plans, the faculty is looking forward to starting undergraduate programs in chemistry and biology, to meet the needs of the local and regional market according to a scientific policy and deep vision.
And in pursuit of the faculty for excellence and leadership, it has been keen to provide a qualified educational staff with all scientific ranks, capable of education, development and scientific research, which the university seeks to localize, and to provide all the material and moral capabilities that help the faculty member to publish distinguished scientific research, as well as applied research, By adopting various projects through its cooperation with local community institutions, believing that education is the most important pillar of development and the most contributing to the fields of economic development.
The Faculty has always aimed to achieve excellence and leadership, it has been keen to provide a qualified educational staff with all scientific ranks, capable of education, development and scientific research which has always been prioritized by the university by providing all capabilities that help the faculty member to publish distinguished scientific research, The faculty is also adopting various projects through its cooperation with local community institutions, believing that education is the most important pillar of development and the most contributing to the fields of economic development.
In order to proceed effectively the educational and research process the faculty has been keen to provide a specialized administrative staff trained in specialized courses that will raise the level of performance, especially in the field of electronic management, as is the government's approach to break the routine and save effort and time.
Based on a system of values and ethics based on transparency, and believing that the educational process and building generations is a sublime message for the faculty and the university, the Faculty has been keen to provide the appropriate environment for the educational process with sincerity and honesty so that our students can obtain the highest degrees of academic qualification enhanced by the spirit of belonging and sincerity of giving, to be able to carry out their duties in different locations inside and outside the country.
The Faculty of Science is keen to actively contribute to serving the local and regional community in all possible forms, whether in the academic or non-academic field, in order to reinforce this trend, the faculty cooperates with its counterparts from the faculties of science in all universities in the country or abroad, and invites them to cooperate in everything that serves science and scientists, and contributes to development processes in the Arab world, and even in the world at large. We in Jordan consider our university as a university for all Arabs and expatriates seeking education and knowledge.