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البريد الالكتروني
تصفح السيرة الذاتية
:ابراهيم محمد ابراهيم خريس  / رئيس قسم
:53 ق
:المصارف الاسلامية
المؤهلات العلمية

جامعة اليرموك :
جامعة اليرموك
جامعة سانت بطرسبورغ الحكومية للمال و الاقتصاد

1987.08.19 :
الأبحاث - المجلات
ابراهيم خريس , “Reasons for Worker's Refrain to work in the Qualified Industrial Zones (QIZ) - A case of Jordan”, مجلة جامعة القدس المفتوحة للأبحاث والدراسات المحكم , العدد الثالث والعشرون - المجلد الثاني- حزيران
The study aims to identify the reality of employment conditions in the qualifying industrial zones, and to analyze the reasons for the phenomenon of reluctance to work in these zones
ملف البحث

دإبراهيم محمد خريس , معايير جودة استثمار أموال الوقف, مجلة الزرقاء للبحوث والدراسات الإنسانية , المجلد الخامس عشر – العدد الأول
يعد الوقف بمفهومه الواسع أصدق تعبير، وأوضح صورة للصدقة التطوعية الدائمة. بل له من الخصائص، والمواصفات ما يميزه عن غيره، وذلك لعدم محدوديته، واتساع آفاق مجالاته، والقدرة على تطوير أساليب التعامل معه. وكل هذا كفل للمجتمع المسلم الت ا رحم، والتواد بين أف ا رده على مر العصور بمختلف مستوياتها السياسية، والاقتصادية، والاجتماعية التي مرت بها الأمة الإسلامية خلال الأربعة عشر قرناً الماضية. فنظام الوقف مصدر مهم لحيوية المجتمع، وفاعليته، وتجسيد حي لقيم التكافل الاجتماعي التي تنتقل من جيل إلى آخر، حاملة
ملف البحث

. Ibrahim khrais , Economic Growth and Unemployment Relationship: An Empirical Study for MENA Countries , International Journal of Managerial Studies and Re , Volume 4, Issue 12, December 2016, PP 19
The main purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between GDP growth and unemployment in MENA countries for the period (1990-2016) periods. Simple linear regression used for the analyses. The results indicated that the impact values considered by GDP on the Unemployment in all the countries being involved. The significance level of (F) was greater than ( = 0.05) suggesting no significant impact was observed for gross GDP (annual) representing all the countries being involved in
ملف البحث

. Ibrahim khrais , Factors Affecting The Jordanian Purchasing Behavior Of Housing Apartments: An Empirical Study In Irbid City, European Scientific Journal , vol.12, No.7
The aim of this study is to show the extent of the impact of factors that affect the purchasing behavior of housing apartments per capita in Irbid city. It discusses the most influential factors in the purchasing decision for housing issues. These factors are independent factors: structural, geographical, environmental, and economical. Data was collected via questionnaires which were distributed to a sample of 150 individuals who are owners of apartments in Irbid city (Northern Jordan). Th
ملف البحث

. Ibrahim khrais , Constraints Facing Garment Industrial Sector Operating within the Qualified Industrial Zones in Jordan, Zarqa Journal for Research and Studies Humanities , Vol. 10, No. 2
The main objective of the present study is to identify the main problems and constraints facing garment industry operating within qualified industrial zones in Jordan. Special emphasize is related to recognition of the level of basic infrastructure services affecting garment industry operating within qualified industrial zones. In addition, to analyzing the impact of the Egypt's signing the qualified industrial zones Agreement on the competitiveness of garment sector in Jordan. The st
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. Ibrahim khrais , Impact of Marketing Innovation on Building Customer Loyalty: (A Field Study on Customers of Pioneers Paper and Carton Industries in Jordan), IEEE , pp. 1-13
This study aims to identify the impact of marketing innovation on building customer loyalty based on customers of Pioneers Paper and Carton Industry Company-in Jordan. In order to analyze the Impact of marketing innovation on building customer loyalty, the researchers selected an independent variable represented by marketing innovation i.e. (product innovation, price innovation, promotion innovation, and place innovation) and one dependent variable i.e. (building customer loyalty).The researcher
ملف البحث

. Ibrahim khrais , THE IMPACT OF THE FINANCIAL STOCK MARKET CHANGES ON THE VARIATION OF REAL ESTATE MARKET PRICES IN JORDAN, International Journal of Business and Management R , Vol.2, No.3, pp. 59-72
The relationship between the Real-estate (R.E.) market and the Financial Stock Market – as two major investment areas within the market of any economy – is of great importance. The purpose of this study is to investigate and determine the relationship between the variation in the prices of the Real-estate market and the Financial Stock market in Jordan for the period 2002 - 2012, taking in to consideration the prevailing economic factors associated with the development of these two markets.
ملف البحث

. Ibrahim khrais , The Impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic on the Profitability of Islamic and Conventional Banks (Comparative Study), International Conference on Business and Technolog , pp 1384–1394
The current study aim is to compare the impact of the Coronavirus (covid-19) pandemic on the profitability between each of the Islamic and conventional banks, whereas the profitability of banks was measured through the (ROA), (ROE), and (EPS) indicators for the years 2019 and 2020. However, the researcher followed the inductive method and the descriptive-analytical method in this study, knowing that the study sample consisted of 10 Islamic banks and 10 conventional banks located throughout 5 Ara
ملف البحث

. Ibrahim khrais , The Impact of Using Information Technology Governance COBIT5 in Reducing Banking Credit Risk in Islamic Banks - Case Study of Islamic International Arab Bank, 2021 22nd International Arab Conference on Informa , 1
The study aims to show the impact of using the Information Governance Technology (COBIT5) as an independent variable in reducing bank credit risk in Islamic banks as a dependent variable, through a case study of the Islamic International Arab Bank. The researchers relied on the descriptive analytical method using the questionnaire as a tool for collecting data from the study community consisting of an intentional sample of (78) male and female employees working in the Islamic International Arab
ملف البحث

. Ibrahim khrais , Attitudes of Health Care Providers toward Discussing Treatment-Associated Costs with Patients in the Clinical Settings: A Cross-Sectional Study, Nurs Midwifery Stud , 11:71-7
Some health care providers feel uncomfortable to lead cost communication. They spend most of their time providing psychological and physiological care, while the willingness to discuss costs with their patients is uncertain. Objective: We aimed to explore Jordanian nurses’ and physicians’ attitudes toward cost communication with patient and explore potential predictors of this action. Methods: Descriptive correlational survey design was conducted in 2019. A questionnaire was used to measur
ملف البحث

. Ibrahim khrais , 11:71-7, Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development , Vol.8, No.2
The Equity capital system is an arachnidan system, it is a fast spreading and fast collapsing system, therefore it is coming out of a crisis to fall in another. The history of this financial system reflects this fact in numbers and also in reality, as the distinguished western economy pioneers confessed that capitalism is a regular crises generating system by nature. The traces of this capitalism nature are more noticed recently according to the growing demand on the financial derivatives, f
ملف البحث

. Ibrahim khrais , Role of Macro-Economics in Minimizing Obstacles to Sustainable Development (Islamic Perspective), International Journal of Economics and Finance , Vol. 9, No. 8
Economic development occupies a significant status is Islam, as Muslims are commanded to settle and advance the earth. Since anything required to perform a duty is a duty itself, settling the earth can be achieved only by development, which can be achieved by production. The latter builds the earth and assists man in worshipping God. The present paper concentrates on the role of macroeconomics in accomplishing economic development from an Islamic perspective. The Noble Qur‟an verses and Had
ملف البحث

. Ibrahim khrais , THE IMPACT OF FINANCIAL DEVELOPMENT ON EXPORTS EVIDENCE FROM JORDAN, EPRA International Journal of Economic and Busines , Vol - 4, Issue- 10
A growing number of empirical studies have documented the importance of financial development for the ability of firms to export to foreign markets.These effects arise from the intermediation role provided by financial institutions. The main goal of the present study is to address the impact of financial Development indicators on export of Jordan. This study used deductive approach through the development of the assumptions and premises relating to both economic growth represented by expo
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Dr.Ibrahim khrais , Constraints Facing Garment Industrial Sector Operating within the Qualified Industrial Zones in Jordan, Zarqa Journal for Research and Studies Humanities , Vol. 10, No. 2, 2010
The main objective of the present study is to identify the main problems and constraints facing garment industry operating within qualified industrial zones in Jordan
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Dr.Ibrahim khrais , Reality of Strategic Planning in Islamic Banks “Case Study: JIB”, European Journal of Business and Management , Vol.7, No.2, 2015
Banks play a vital role in financing and developing national economy with its various sectors, by means of their various functions, such as operating as a broker between savers and investors
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Dr.Ibrahim khrais , THE IMPACT OF THE FINANCIAL STOCK MARKET CHANGES ON THE VARIATION OF REAL ESTATE MARKET PRICES IN JORDAN, European Centre for Research Training and Developm , Vol.2, No.3, pp. 59-72, July 2014
The relationship between the Real-estate (R.E.) market and the Financial Stock Market – as two major investment areas within the market of any economy – is of great importance
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Dr. Ibrahim Mohammed Khrais , Factors Affecting The Jordanian Purchasing Behavior Of Housing Apartments: An Empirical Study In Irbid City, European Scientific Journal , edition vol.12, No.7 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (
The aim of this study is to show the extent of the impact of factors that affect the purchasing behavior of housing apartments per capita in Irbid city. It discusses the most influential factors in the purchasing decision for housing issues. These factors are independent factors: structural, geographical, environmental, and economical. Data was collected via questionnaires which were distributed to a sample of 150 individuals who are owners of apartments in Irbid city (Northern Jordan). Th
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Dr. Ibrahim Mohammed Khrais , Factors Affecting The Jordanian Purchasing Behavior Of Housing Apartments: An Empirical Study In Irbid City, European Scientific Journal , edition vol.12, No.7 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (
The aim of this study is to show the extent of the impact of factors that affect the purchasing behavior of housing apartments per capita in Irbid city. It discusses the most influential factors in the purchasing decision for housing issues. These factors are independent factors: structural, geographical, environmental, and economical. Data was collected via questionnaires which were distributed to a sample of 150 individuals who are owners of apartments in Irbid city (Northern Jordan). Th
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Dr. Ibrahim Mohammed Khrais , Factors Affecting The Jordanian Purchasing Behavior Of Housing Apartments: An Empirical Study In Irbid City, European Scientific Journal , edition vol.12, No.7 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (
The aim of this study is to show the extent of the impact of factors that affect the purchasing behavior of housing apartments per capita in Irbid city. It discusses the most influential factors in the purchasing decision for housing issues. These factors are independent factors: structural, geographical, environmental, and economical. Data was collected via questionnaires which were distributed to a sample of 150 individuals who are owners of apartments in Irbid city (Northern Jordan). Th
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Dr. Ibrahim Mohammed Khrais , Factors Affecting The Jordanian Purchasing Behavior Of Housing Apartments: An Empirical Study In Irbid City, European Scientific Journal , edition vol.12, No.7 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (
The aim of this study is to show the extent of the impact of factors that affect the purchasing behavior of housing apartments per capita in Irbid city. It discusses the most influential factors in the purchasing decision for housing issues. These factors are independent factors: structural, geographical, environmental, and economical. Data was collected via questionnaires which were distributed to a sample of 150 individuals who are owners of apartments in Irbid city (Northern Jordan). Th
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Dr. Ibrahim Mohammed Khrais , Impact of Application of the Training Strategy on Improving the Efficiency of the Employees' Performance in Zarqa University, International Journal of Managerial Studies and Re , Volume 4, Issue 6, June 2016, PP 63-72
The study aimed to identify the impact of application of the training strategy on improving the efficiency of the employees' performance in Zarqa University. The study population consisted of all employees in Zarqa University, were chosen as a proportionality stratified random sample consisting of (50) employee, and was distributed the study questionnaire on them. The study found a number of results most notably were:  The results of descriptive analysis indicated to high the averages of the t
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Dr. Ibrahim Mohammed Khrais , Islamic Finance Role in Preventing Crises Resulting from the Financial Opening-up and Liberalization Policies, Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development , Vol.8, No.2,
The Equity capital system is an arachnidan system, it is a fast spreading and fast collapsing system, therefore it is coming out of a crisis to fall in another. The history of this financial system reflects this fact in numbers and also in reality, as the distinguished western economy pioneers confessed that capitalism is a regular crises generating system by nature. The traces of this capitalism nature are more noticed recently according to the growing demand on the financial derivatives, f
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Dr. Ibrahim Mohammed Khrais , Economic Growth and Unemployment Relationship: An Empirical Study for MENA Countries, International Journal of Managerial Studies and Re , Volume 4, Issue 12
The main purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between GDP growth and unemployment in MENA countries for the period (1990-2016) periods. Simple linear regression used for the analyses. The results indicated that the impact values considered by GDP on the Unemployment in all the countries being involved. The significance level of (F) was greater than ( = 0.05) suggesting no significant impact was observed for gross GDP (annual) representing all the countries being involved in the
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Dr. Ibrahim Mohammed Khrais , IMPACT OF THE ISLAMIC BANKING FUNDING ON THE REAL INVESTMENT FOR JORDANIAN ECONOMY A case Study of Jordanian Islamic Bank and Arab Islamic Bank, EPRA International Journal of Economic and Busines , Volume - 5, Issue- 2
This study aimed to statement impact of the Islamic banking funding on the real investment for Jordanian economy through application of the models and the statistical methods followed in this field, was chosen one dependent variable which is size of the real investment and three independent variables which are (speculating, participation, and Murabaha). The study concluded there exist a strong positive relationship between the extent of contribution of the Islamic banking funding and to inc
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Ibrahim Khrais , Economic Growth and Unemployment Relationship: An Empirical Study for MENA Countries , International Journal of Managerial Studies and Re , Volume 4, Issue 12, December 2016, PP 19
The main purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between GDP growth and unemployment in MENA countries for the period (1990-2016) periods. Simple linear regression used for the analyses. The results indicated that the impact values considered by GDP on the Unemployment in all the countries being involved. The significance level of (F) was greater than ( = 0.05) suggesting no significant impact was observed for gross GDP (annual) representing all the countries being involved in
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Ibrahim Khrais , Factors Affecting The Jordanian Purchasing Behavior Of Housing Apartments: An Empirical Study In Irbid City, European Scientific Journal , vol.12, No.7
The aim of this study is to show the extent of the impact of factors that affect the purchasing behavior of housing apartments per capita in Irbid city. It discusses the most influential factors in the purchasing decision for housing issues. These factors are independent factors: structural, geographical, environmental, and economical. Data was collected via questionnaires which were distributed to a sample of 150 individuals who are owners of apartments in Irbid city (Northern Jordan). Th
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Ibrahim Khrais , Constraints Facing Garment Industrial Sector Operating within the Qualified Industrial Zones in Jordan, Zarqa Journal for Research and Studies Humanities , Vol. 10, No. 2
The main objective of the present study is to identify the main problems and constraints facing garment industry operating within qualified industrial zones in Jordan. Special emphasize is related to recognition of the level of basic infrastructure services affecting garment industry operating within qualified industrial zones. In addition, to analyzing the impact of the Egypt's signing the qualified industrial zones Agreement on the competitiveness of garment sector in Jordan. The st
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Ibrahim Khrais , Impact of Marketing Innovation on Building Customer Loyalty: (A Field Study on Customers of Pioneers Paper and Carton Industries in Jordan), IEEE , pp. 1-13
This study aims to identify the impact of marketing innovation on building customer loyalty based on customers of Pioneers Paper and Carton Industry Company-in Jordan. In order to analyze the Impact of marketing innovation on building customer loyalty, the researchers selected an independent variable represented by marketing innovation i.e. (product innovation, price innovation, promotion innovation, and place innovation) and one dependent variable i.e. (building customer loyalty).The researcher
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Ibrahim Khrais , THE IMPACT OF THE FINANCIAL STOCK MARKET CHANGES ON THE VARIATION OF REAL ESTATE MARKET PRICES IN JORDAN, International Journal of Business and Management R , Vol.2, No.3, pp. 59-72
The relationship between the Real-estate (R.E.) market and the Financial Stock Market – as two major investment areas within the market of any economy – is of great importance. The purpose of this study is to investigate and determine the relationship between the variation in the prices of the Real-estate market and the Financial Stock market in Jordan for the period 2002 - 2012, taking in to consideration the prevailing economic factors associated with the development of these two markets.
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Ibrahim Khrais , The Impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic on the Profitability of Islamic and Conventional Banks (Comparative Study), International Conference on Business and Technolog , pp 1384–1394
The current study aim is to compare the impact of the Coronavirus (covid-19) pandemic on the profitability between each of the Islamic and conventional banks, whereas the profitability of banks was measured through the (ROA), (ROE), and (EPS) indicators for the years 2019 and 2020. However, the researcher followed the inductive method and the descriptive-analytical method in this study, knowing that the study sample consisted of 10 Islamic banks and 10 conventional banks located throughout 5 Ara
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Ibrahim Khrais , The Impact of Using Information Technology Governance COBIT5 in Reducing Banking Credit Risk in Islamic Banks - Case Study of Islamic International Arab Bank, 2021 22nd International Arab Conference on Informa , 1
The study aims to show the impact of using the Information Governance Technology (COBIT5) as an independent variable in reducing bank credit risk in Islamic banks as a dependent variable, through a case study of the Islamic International Arab Bank. The researchers relied on the descriptive analytical method using the questionnaire as a tool for collecting data from the study community consisting of an intentional sample of (78) male and female employees working in the Islamic International Arab
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Ibrahim Khrais , Attitudes of Health Care Providers toward Discussing Treatment-Associated Costs with Patients in the Clinical Settings: A Cross-Sectional Study, A cross-sectional study. Nurs Midwifery , 11:71-7
Some health care providers feel uncomfortable to lead cost communication. They spend most of their time providing psychological and physiological care, while the willingness to discuss costs with their patients is uncertain. Objective: We aimed to explore Jordanian nurses’ and physicians’ attitudes toward cost communication with patient and explore potential predictors of this action. Methods: Descriptive correlational survey design was conducted in 2019. A questionnaire was used to measur
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Ibrahim Khrais , Islamic Finance Role in Preventing Crises Resulting from the Financial Opening-up and Liberalization Policies , Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development , Vol.8, No.2
The Equity capital system is an arachnidan system, it is a fast spreading and fast collapsing system, therefore it is coming out of a crisis to fall in another. The history of this financial system reflects this fact in numbers and also in reality, as the distinguished western economy pioneers confessed that capitalism is a regular crises generating system by nature. The traces of this capitalism nature are more noticed recently according to the growing demand on the financial derivatives, f
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Ibrahim Khrais , Role of Macro-Economics in Minimizing Obstacles to Sustainable Development (Islamic Perspective), International Journal of Economics and Finance , Vol. 9, No. 8
Economic development occupies a significant status is Islam, as Muslims are commanded to settle and advance the earth. Since anything required to perform a duty is a duty itself, settling the earth can be achieved only by development, which can be achieved by production. The latter builds the earth and assists man in worshipping God. The present paper concentrates on the role of macroeconomics in accomplishing economic development from an Islamic perspective. The Noble Qur‟an verses and Had
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Ibrahim Khrais , THE IMPACT OF FINANCIAL DEVELOPMENT ON EXPORTS EVIDENCE FROM JORDAN, EPRA International Journal of Economic and Busines , Vol - 4, Issue- 10
A growing number of empirical studies have documented the importance of financial development for the ability of firms to export to foreign markets.These effects arise from the intermediation role provided by financial institutions. The main goal of the present study is to address the impact of financial Development indicators on export of Jordan. This study used deductive approach through the development of the assumptions and premises relating to both economic growth represented by expo
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دور الهندسة المالية في تحقيق الرّيادة في الإدارة المالية
الرّيادة في الإدارة المالية
جامعة الزيتونة
ىدفت الد ا رسة لبيان طرق اليندسة المالية إضافة لأىمية تبني أسموب تفتيت المشكمة تبعا لمبيئة كوسيمة يترتب عمييا اختيار طرق اليندسة المالية.
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دور الاقتصاد الإسلامي في الحد من الأزمات الاقتصادية
المؤتمر العلمي الدولي السابع
جامعة الزرقاء الخاصة
تنبع أهمية الدراسة من كونها تحاول أن تسلط الضوء على ضوابط الاقتصاد الإسلامي التي تساهم في الاس تقرار الاقتصادي والمالي .
ملف البحث

الاقتصاد الإسلامي، الواقع ورهانات المستقبل
الملتقى الدولي الأول لمعهد العلوم الاقتصادية التجارية وعلوم التسيير
المركز الجامعي بغرداية- الجزائر
يهدف هذا البحث إلى توضيح أسس الاقتصاد الإسلامي في تحديد ضوابط وأولويات الإنتاج وأثر ذلك على التنمية الاقتصادية بصفة عامة ودورها في رفع الكفاءة الإنتاجية
ملف البحث

الخبرات العملية