News The 5th Scientific Day of the Faculty of Engineering Technology Opens at Zarqa University
The 5th Scientific Day of the Faculty of Engineering Technology Opens at Zarqa University
Date 26-04-2018

 جامعة الزرقاء - افتتاح اليوم العلمي الخامس لكلية الهندسة بجامعة الزرقاء

On Thursday, Dr. Nader Abu Sheikha, the acting President of Zarqa University, inaugurated the fifth scientific day of the Faculty of Engineering Technology under the title "Engineering and Society".

Dr. Nader Abu Sheikha said, "This scientific day is a key pillar in supporting scientific and research services in all fields of engineering. Scientific days are an important focus for researchers and students."

He added that the university is working to provide quality education for students, and embodies its vision of excellence in its educational services and to create a knowledge society characterized by a level of scientific knowledge and knowledge.

On his part, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Technology at Zarqa University, Dr. Tayseer Al-Ghanim, said that this scientific day is a reflection of the University's objectives, considering that engineering in all its branches has a fundamental role in life and society. Play an important role in all aspects of life.

The activities of the scientific day included sessions on several lectures, including: a lecture to introduce the International Electrotechnical Commission to the specifications provided by the Jordanian Electricity Company engineer Iman Tirawi, and a lecture entitled "The current status of renewable energy projects and future prospects in Jordan, delivered by the entrepreneurial company Engineer Mahmoud Najjar, A lecture entitled "Rehabilitation of existing buildings to become sustainable energy-saving buildings", by Eng. Sameh Shammout, and a lecture on "Philosophical Concepts in Architecture.