News A Workshop on "Developing Standards for Accreditation of Engineering Specializations in Jordanian Un
A Workshop on "Developing Standards for Accreditation of Engineering Specializations in Jordanian Un
Date 30-01-2018

 جامعة الزرقاء - ورشة عمل "تطوير معايير الاعتماد الخاصة لتخصصات الهندسة في الجامعات الأردنية" بجامعة الزرقاء

On Tuesday, Zarqa University held a workshop on "Developing Standards for Accreditation of Engineering Specializations in Jordanian Universities", in the presence of Dr. Bashir Al-Zu'bi, Chairman of the Higher Education Accreditations Authority.

Zarqa University President Dr. Bassam Al-Helou said that the University is keen to apply the accreditation standards in all programs and disciplines, recognizing the importance of this in controlling the educational process and improving its outputs. The university has a teaching staff with distinguished academic and research qualifications capable of providing students with the best scientific and practical skills  t through the preparation of balanced academic plans , practical training,  laboratories, workshops for all disciplines of engineering. He added that the university had concluded agreements with specialized institutions to have engineering students trained so as to gain practical experience.

Dr. Basheer Al-Zubi also highlighted the Authority's keenness to raise the quality of higher education in Jordan's higher education institutions and enhance their competitiveness, which is reflected positively in enhancing the quality of educational outputs.

He stressed that Jordanian universities should sustain the development of  the quality standards, the efficiency of the performance and educational services of engineering colleges in accordance with the vision and mission of the university and  in compliance with international quality standards.

Moreover, he presented the objectives of the national strategy for the development of human resources in the higher education sector, and called for raising the standards of outputs and quality of scientific research , training, and the level of learning in accordance with the best methods followed by modern universities and assume levels of competition  in the fields of higher education and scientific research..

For his part, Assistant Director of the Higher Education Accreditation Authority, Dr. Zaid Al Anbar, said that the workshop provides Jordanian universities with the best skills and international knowledge to develop and improve engineering education and learning outcomes for the College of Engineering programs.

He pointed out that the types of accreditation include general accreditation or institutional accreditation and special accreditation or program accreditation, as the objectives of the accreditation is to improve and develop the quality of institutions of higher education and educational programs, and provide information on the quality of programs.

It also aims to strengthen the credibility of institutions of higher education, ensure that the institution meets the minimum standards and requirements of quality, contribute to the planning of institutions of higher education, and provide suggestions and recommendations for the funding of these institutions and educational programs provided by, indicating the number of students in engineering colleges in Jordanian universities, Cognitive Engineering Program.

The workshop was attended by the deans of the engineering faculties in Jordanian universities, the directors of development and quality assurance in Jordanian universities, the representative of the Civil Service Bureau, the representative of the Cadby Foundation, the representative of the Royal Engineering Corps, the heads of the engineering development committees, the discussion and the dialogue and inquiries.