News ZU Technological Engineering Scientific Day for Modern Construction Technologies
ZU Technological Engineering Scientific Day for Modern Construction Technologies
Date 16-05-2016

 جامعة الزرقاء - يوم علمي لكلية الهندسة التكنولوجية في جامعة الزرقاء "التكنولوجيا الحديثة في البناء"

ZU President Professor Mahmoud Al-Wadi patronized the Third Scientific Day for the Faculty of Technological Engineering titled Modern Construction Technologies. The event was attended by HE Professor Rateb AbuSsaud, deans of faculties as well as staff and administrative members.

In his opening speech, Al-Wadi said that it was part of ZU’s support to research and students’ advancement. It also represented an attempt by the faculty to connect with manufacturers.

The faculty Dean Professor Tayseer Al-Ghanem remarked that the presence of the elite participants aimed at briefing the students with the latest construction technologies, so they would be qualified enough for the marketplace.

Sessions discussed Green Buildings, Pre-Improvised Concrete, Lessons from Algeria Quake and Modern Schools of Architecture and the Challenge of Identity.

On the sidelines, an exhibition was organized to display students’ projects, in addition to contributions by the Jordanian Engineers’ Association, the companies of Ata Rabah, Lafarge and Leica.

At the conclusion of the event, Al-Wadi’s presented shields to the participants and thanked the organizers for their great efforts.